Laerdal Airway Training Solutions
Kathy Linville, EMS Channel Manager with Laerdal Medical, walks us through several of Laerdal’s comprehensive airway solutions for your training needs.
Today, we will go over some of Laerdal’s airway task trainers, starting with the Premature Anne. This type of task trainer is a 25-week task trainer that carries an umbilical line and pre-ported IV placements so that students can practice IV placement. Premature Anne can also accept chest compressions and ventilation without feedback, but this model does come with a full simulator and Sim Pad to run NRP scenarios.
Another model is the Infant Airway Trainer; this unit is modeled after a three-month-old. It accepts many oral or nasal pharyngeal adjuncts, and this model can be intubated.
The Pediatric Airway management task trainer is one of the more complex models carried by Laerdal. The unit comes with a bulb that can be compressed to simulated carotid pulses. This model can also accept chest compressions, but this trainer has no feedback. One of the most critical features of this pediatric airway management trainer is the ability to build on top of the model that you already own. IV arms, IO legs, and more can attach to provide a more encompassing solution for training. This unit also has interchangeable eyes.
MME also carries the Cricoid trainer. This unit comes with neck skin, and a pre ported rigid and soft trachea. The unit is capable of a needle or surgical crike.
Pneumothorax trainer – This trainer also carries a bulb to inflate these pneumothorax pads through the intercostal spaces. This device holds bilateral tension pneumothoraces and decompression portals in each axilla and subclavian region for training professionals in the practice of chest decompression.
- Anatomical landmarks aid in site location
- Bilateral midaxillary and midclavicular sites available for decompression
- Heimlich Abdominal Thrust Maneuver may be performed
And the last manikin that Kathy shared was the Deluxe airway management trainer.
This unit has:
- Manually inflatable tongue to simulate obstructed airway or tongue edema
- Anatomically correct internal anatomy facilitates airway management skills using manual maneuvers and mechanical devices
- Updated airway allows for insertion of standard airway devices with the addition of the LMA, Combitube, and King LT
- Oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal airway insertion
- Endotracheal and right mainstem intubation
- Needle or surgical cricothyrotomy
- Retrograde intubation
- Bag-Valve-Mask ventilation
- Tracheal suctioning
Have a question about any of these Airway solutions? Our friendly and knowledgeable customer service team is here to answer all your questions and guide you to your needed solutions. We carry a chat option that allows you to leave a message for our team or to live chat with an MME rep. Or give us a call at 866-669-1917 today!