Little Baby QCPR Manikin 133-01050 – Laerdal

SKU: LAE133-01050



Little Baby QCPR Manikin enhances infant CPR training programs by delivering quality CPR training with real-time and summative feedback, efficiency with multiple student monitoring, and increased engagement using a gaming element.

Quality CPR feedback technology on compression rate, depth, recoil, chest compression fraction, hand placement, and ventilations

  • Audio crying feedback for choking training
  • Multiple student monitoring from the palm of your hand
  • Gaming element to help make learning stick
  • Realistic look and feel of a baby

This item is currently unavailable, but could be shipped within 4+ weeks. Please call for more info or to place an order.

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Little Baby QCPR Manikin Features:

Quality CPR feedback technology on compression rate, depth, recoil, chest compression fraction, hand placement, and ventilations

  • Audio crying feedback for choking training
  • Multiple student monitoring from the palm of your hand
  • Gaming element to help make learning stick
  • Realistic look and feel of a baby

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Master Medical Equipment is committed to providing as many accessory options for your units as possible. A full list of our online accessory listings for this unit can be found here. If you are unable to find the exact accessory you are looking for, please call one of our customer service representatives for information on the missing product or our recommended alternative.